What is IoT?

Self-driving cars, smart houses, and smart speakers are just a few examples of how this cutting-edge technology is being used in the real world. Developing DX (digital transformation), which is now garnering attention, is a major factor in this. Big data and artificial intelligence are also important issues.
Even if you've heard of the phrase "Internet of Things," you'll be surprised to learn that only a small fraction of people really understand what it means and how it works.

What is IoT?

"Internet of Things" is the abbreviation for "IoT." As digital technology and communication technology have advanced so rapidly in the last two decades, mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are now able to connect to the Internet almost as easily as a personal computer did only a couple of decades ago.
For example, the Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming more popular as a way to link everyday objects to the internet.