IoT and electronics Blog

  • Smart cities in the world

    Top 10 Smart Cities in the world

    Digital solutions may be used to optimize the utilization of traditional networks and services in a "smart city," according to the word's definition. As a consequence, the goal of smart cities is to improve the quality of life for city residents, increase the city's sustainability, and benefit local businesses.
  • Indian smart cities

    Smart Cities in India

    Imagine a city with cutting-edge smart infrastructure and many systems driven by the latest information technology, all combined into a cohesive whole. It is possible that the Smart Cities Mission, which aims to improve our cities' appearance, functionality, and quality of life, will help us achieve this objective. In 2015, the Indian government launched the Smart Cities Mission, which has already expanded to 109 cities.
  • What makes a smart city different

    What makes a smart city different?

    What distinguishes a smart city from any other Indian metropolis? In the past two to three years, the creation of smart cities has been hailed as one of the most major government infrastructure projects. When it comes to making India "smarter," this strategy has been widely praised.
  • IoT application in business

    IOT applications in business

    Connected cars, smart homes, smart hospitals, and more innovative industries have all been created by this technology. Things become more accessible and automated when the physical and digital worlds are connected. A smart home allows you to control anything from your thermostat to your oven to your AC system with your smartphone.
  • What is smartcity

    What is a smart city?

    Smart cities use information and communication technology (ICT) to address the conventional issues of urban life. Smart cities handle the challenges posed by demographic and climatic change, population expansion, pollution, resource shortages, and crime.
  • IoT for consumers

    IoT for consumers

    Consumer IoT is primarily concerned with making life easier for end-users. How to get more done with fewer resources is the focus here. Personal or social happiness is the primary motivator for people, and they prefer to delegate responsibility for their work to others. Humans need a sense of well-being regardless of weather, temperature, rain, or shine.
  • Technologies used in IoT

    What are the technologies used in IoT?

    Although connectivity is the core of the Internet of Things (IoT), you won't be able to find a communication solution that works in precisely the same manner for every case since the IoT is so diverse and complex.Each IoT solution offers a unique mix of benefits and limitations best suited for a particular set of IoT use cases
  • Industrial IoT

    What is industrial IoT or IIOT?

    IIoT's underlying principle is that intelligent robots are better for people in real-time data collection and analysis and in transmitting critical information that can be utilized to drive business choices more promptly and accurately.