Our Products

Atreyo offers a vast range of products for industry and infrastructure applications. All products are designed and manufactured by our team in India. Our products are set apart by high quality of production, which we achieve thanks to the fact that we only purchase components from reputable manufacturers and the production.


Product by Categories

You can choose products by product category sections. Many of the products can have different applications, so below is the option to choose by application.

Computers and Gateways
IoT gateways
Protocol gateways
Interfaces and expanders
Information displays
Street light products
Traffic products
Parking managment products
Other products

Product by Applications

For easier selection of products, you can choose by applications in various fields of industry and infrastructure. It will make choosing the right product faster.

Energy grid and Photovoltaic
Industry and Automation
Public Information
Street Light Systems
Traffic Management
Parking Management
Asset Tracking
Other Applications